Fivemind Reeds bridges the gap between classical and contemporary music by promoting diversity and equity in the arts through community engagement, providing educational programs, and revitalization of the age-old traditions of chamber music. All of these goals tie in with you - our supporters!
Your tax-deductible contribution directly supports our endeavors to inspire learning, passion, and excitement through music.
Thank you for your time and consideration and we hope to meet and perform for you soon!
Thank you to our Hivemind!
Family ($100 and above)
Jonathan Davis
Rachel Lee and Wenhao Li
Kami Turrou and Paul Schreiber
Friends ($40 - 99)
Austin Ali
Dixon Llanderal
Neal and Leah Stulberg
Angela Turrou
Fans (up to $39)
Nathan Culcasi
Julie Malloy
Erin O'Donnell
Shannon Paresa
Olivia Phaneuf
Katie Rusalov
Alicia Villalobos
Kyle Wittlin
Jennifer Wong